Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bibliography - MSVMA Roundtable July 31, 2013

It was our great pleasure to present some of our favorite inspiring resources to a wonderful group of choral educators at the MSVMA HS Luncheon Roundtable on July 31, 2013. We have listed the resources below for your reference. You can learn more at Mandy's tumblr; we hope you also follow on Facebook and Twitter.

One note: the links below are to Amazon, and we receive a small return on sales through these links. Any monies will be used to acquire more inspiring resources to share.


Stop Stealing Dreams - Seth Godin (free online book)
Steal Like an Artist - Austin Kleon
The Icarus Deception - Seth Godin
The Art of Possibility - Benjamin Zander & Rosamund Stone Zander
Do the Work - Steven Pressfield
Where Good Ideas Come From - Steven Johnson
Drive - Daniel H. Pink
Piano Lessons - Anna Goldsworthy
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
The Element - Ken Robinson
Talent is Overrated - Geoff Colvin
The Gifts of Imperfection - BrenĂ© Brown
Daring Greatly - BrenĂ© Brown
Imperfect Harmony - Stacy Horn
What the Dog Saw - Malcolm Gladwell
Outliers - Malcolm Gladwell
Blink - Malcolm Gladwell
The Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell
Sunbeams - ed. Sy Safransky

Children's Books

Beautiful Oops - Barney Saltzberg
Exclamation Mark - Amy Krouse Rosenthal & Tom Lichtenheld
If I Never Forever Endeavor - Holly Meade
How to Be - Lisa Brown
One - Kathryn Otoshi


Zen Habits
Austin Kleon
Seth Godin


Coaching a Surgeon - Atul Gawande (New Yorker)

More to come as we compile materials suggested by attendees...