My brother recently needled me about The Real Group visit to West Michigan - or more precisely, about the many, many posts on Facebook leading up to the February 14 concert. By my count, I posted thirteen times about The Real Group on my own page during the twelve days from February 3rd and 14th.
That's not counting additional posts on Facebook pages I manage, mass emails to the MSVMA, an ACDA article, and personal emails to dozens of friends and colleagues encouraging them to come and bring students.
Here's what my brother said:
Hey - is The Real Group coming to the Midwest? I feel like I may or may not have heard or seen something about that...He was just teasing me - no problem, I'll get him back. You're on notice, Danny.
But it makes me wonder, are your spamming your friends by posting so often about one thing? My gut instinct is NO, but it deserves some more introspection and justification. Here are my thoughts:
- In general, I see Facebook as a place to express your passions. I love it to see someone excited about something and sharing their excitement - even if it's something I'm not particularly drawn to. I especially love seeing positive passion on Facebook: be for something rather than against something. I happen to think that The Real Group is the best singing ensemble on the planet. So, yeah, I was excited to see them for the first time since I was 19.
- There's precedent all the time for repeated postings...recently it all seemed to be about Sochi Olympics. Would I sound bad if I said I'm a million times more excited about two hours of The Real Group singing than about two weeks of Winter Olympics? You will also see serial postings a lot in run-ups to movies and TV shows (Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey), awards shows, playoff sports, and more.
- In this particular case, I was part of a three-person team responsible for bringing TRG to Jenison. Of the three, I was the only one without any financial skin in the game. If one extra post means a few more tickets sold, it was the very least I can do to make the concert a success. If the concert came out a loss and I could have done more, I would have felt culpable.
On the other hand,
- I'm conscious of not wanting to be the guy at the party who won't stop talking about his new puppy.
PS: There's going to be a lot of posts about Europe in June and July. If you're Facebook friends with me, watch out.