Thursday, May 28, 2015

Facing Down Your Doubts

If you do the work, you rarely regret committing to a project.

The problem is that this can be very tough to remember in the thick of the work. While you're doing the work, you'll be thinking, "should I have done this?"

Every idea worth doing comes with doubt. From singing in an elementary talent show to writing a Broadway musical to running for president: there will be a lot of days when you question having started down the road.

But when it's done, you won't regret having gone for it.

As recently as 36 hours ago, I questioned the wisdom of putting on a full-length show with 12 high school guys singing a cappella. But at 9:09 when they finished their last song after just over two hours, I was full of joy from watching students make music and entertain on a high level.

They did the work, and will never regret the effort.

The only way to put something into to the world is to pick a project, commit to it (publicly), and face down your doubts.


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