Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Running Way Ahead

I've started training for a half-marathon later this summer.

There are lots of things in life you can cram for: math tests, presentations at work, 16-bar solos for an audition.

The things I care about, though, can't be mastered in a day. Being a great parent. Making music with an ensemble. Connecting with and helping to shape students.

Running is like that, too. You can't cram for a marathon. You need to set the goal way out, start training when it's months away, and then do the work every day in between.

It's a lesson to keep learning - how to put forth consistent effort even when the goal is far away. One of the reasons I like running is it puts the lesson into my body, so I can remind myself to use the same mindset for all of the things I care about.


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