Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Creating Exceptional Experiences

In the May, 2015 issue of the ACDA Choral Journal, leading choral educator Ann Howard Jones gave an extended interview - a sort of valedictory on the occasion of her retirement from Boston University.

Here's one of my favorite quotes from the interview:

One needs to surround oneself with exceptional experiences. I think we need to get into a situation that's above the normal. It is not always possible, but something has to drive us to keep going, and we have to engage fully in the opportunities that are presented.

We get to exceptional by making the most of the situation in front of us. Engage fully with today and tomorrow's opportunity will rise to meet you.

Don't lament that you haven't got the resources, singers, support of someone else - make the most of what you've got and it will get better. You will change, and the situation will change.


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