Sunday, June 21, 2015

Screen Sabbath

I'm not new in trying a screen sabbath. Many influential thinkers advise a break from our constant connection to devices and the news stream.

I recently enjoyed Pico Iyer's new one-sitting book, The Art of Stillness. In it, he quotes Kevin Kelly, the founding executive editor of Wired magazine:

I continue to keep the cornucopia of technology at arm's length, so that I can more easily remember who I am.

There are many things I enjoy about immediate access to social media and the internet; I believe it can magnify our human connection and facilitate non-digital connections.

But I also want to value and prioritize the opportunities to interact with the world, screen-free. So for a while I'll be experimenting with a 9pm Saturday-9pm Sunday screen sabbath; I'll let you know how it goes and won't be pedantic - I'm pursuing the spirit of the action, not a hard and fast rule.

In the meantime, I'll see you offline.


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