Thursday, June 4, 2015

Enjoy The Path

Success at Festival is momentary; if you aren’t enjoying the days, weeks, and months leading to it, then you need to change how you view it.

Choir Festivals are over - you went home with ratings perfect or developing.

How long was the joy or disappointment present in your mind? A day? A week?

In the grand scheme, success or failure is momentary. It's the day-to-day experiences you will remember and that will define the choir experience for you and your singers.

A perfect score can be a disappointment, and a Division 3 rating can be an encouragement. And in any case, they will be gone by July.

Enjoy the path - love the daily work you are doing, and teach your students the same. Revel in exploring the music together, finding fun in the microscopic details, laughing at mistakes.


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