Friday, June 5, 2015

Three Traits

At the stage door of Kinky Boots last night, we visited with a performer who studied with Mandy two summers at Interlochen All-State. She's in the ensemble and understudies the lead female roles.

She reminisced about picking music theatre songs instead of art songs in her voice lessons. She talked about deciding to do her senior year at Interlochen Arts Academy. And she enthusiastically talked about life on the road, her career so far, and the joy she is clearly getting from daily performing.

Walking away, I asked Mandy if she was always like that. She had three traits that stood out in just a few minute conversation:
  • She knew what she loved.
  • She was driven to work hard and improve.
  • She was positive and enthusiastic about her life.
Yep. Since high school.

Those three traits, to me, are the hallmarks of continued success. You can be successful without all three traits, but with them, you are unstoppable.

Go see her in Kinky Boots when it hits your area - it's a tremendous production with great music and a wonderful message.


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