Saturday, June 6, 2015

Take a Break

You have lived and breathed your teaching job for the last 9 months.

On most days, the first thought you had when you woke before 6 was about a student.

On most days, you were thinking about students until the moment you fell asleep.

You organized, volunteered, planned in every free minute.

You gave yourself intellectually, emotionally, and financially to your students.

You weren't paid enough. You just weren't.

And you made it to the end of another long year full of successes and failures. Full of students reached and students who still need reaching. Full of attendance forms, standardized tests, and No. 2 pencils, but most of all full of music and the balm it was for you and your students.

You need to take a break.

It won't be long - you are starting again after Labor Day and you've already begun planning. Music needs to be selected, concert dates finalized. Workshops to attend, long-term goals, board meetings and retreats.

But first, you need a break. Take a few days, close you folders, hide your to do lists, and breathe into this beautiful summer.

You deserve it.


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